Chiari Malformations & Syringomyelia:


Dr. A. Vincent Thamburaj,  

Neurosurgeon, Apollo Hospitals,  Chennai , India.

 Chiari Malformations:


Hans Chiari first described three hindbrain disorders associated with hydrocephalus in 1891.


The Type 1 anomaly, which is the mildest, is characterised by displacement of deformed cerebellar tonsils more than 5 mm caudally through the foramen magnum.

A number of subgroups have been defined. In the first group, intrauterine hydrocephalus causes tonsillar herniation. Patients tend to present in child­hood with hydrocephalus and usually with syringomyelia. A second group involves those with associated craniocervical dysgenesis. They usually present later as children or young adults with occipital headaches especially when straining (cough-laugh headache), cranial nerve palsies or dissociated sensory abnormalities secondary to syringomyelia. The third group relates to acquired deformities of the foramen magnum such as basilar invagination. These are usually adults who develop syringomyelia and have headaches and cranial neuropathies.


In Type 2, there was in addition, a displacement of the lower vermis, pons and medulla into the spinal canal and an elongation of the fourth ventricle from a shallow pos­terior fossa through a wide foramen magnum with obstruction to CSF flow at the exits of the IVth ventricle. Occasionally the IVth ventricle becomes "trapped" or encysted and will enlarge to appear normal or dilated. Arnold described, in 1894, a similar malformation of the hindbrain in a case of meningomyelocoele and his pupils Schwalbe and Gredig named the type 2 abnormality of Chiari as the Arnold Chiari malformation.

Partial or complete agenesis of the corpus callosum is found in most patients, while falx hypoplasia, fused enlarged massa intermedia, colpocephaly, abnormal gyral patterns, and interdigitation of the paramedial gyri across the midline are all associated fea­tures. Infratentorially there is beaking of the tectum, petrous bone scalloping, a low torcula, and cervicomedullary kinking. A degree of spinal dysraphism is usually present with a tethered cord and filum lipoma.

The abnormality is present at birth and when the meningomyelocele is closed, usually in the first 24 hours, symptomatic hydrocephalus develops. Signs of brain stem compres­sion with swallowing difficulties, stridor, apnoeic spells, a weak cry or arm weakness can be found. If presenting as an adult bilateral limb weakness and wasting followed by sensory disturbance are most common, with dysphagia and ataxia being less common.


The type 3 abnormality consisted of herniation of the cerebellum through a bony defect caused by a cervical spina bifida. This was really an occipital encephalocoeie, with the other features of a Chiari II malformation. Patients have severe neurological defects and a poor prognosis.


Current usage of the "type" designations also tends to be less rigid; thus, type I cases often show some downward displacement of the fourth ventricle by magnetic resonance imaging and on surgical exploration and there is a gradient of progressively more severe tonsillar ectopia.


It is by no means clear that cerebellar tonsil displacement is always in the nature of a "malformation," and numerous instances of cerebellar ectopia following lumbar cerebrospinal fluid shunting are now documented. 

With magnetic resonance imaging, more recent reports have shown that tonsillar descent is quite common in children who have undergone lumbar cerebrospinal fluid shunting; syringomyelic cavities may also develop in this situation.




The various theories which try to explain the embryogenesis of the Chiari malformation. either base it on mechani­cal factors or on a primary dygenesis of the brainstem. The association of syringomyelia as seen in 88 per cent of patients of Chiari Type II at autopsy and 75 per cent of Type I Chiari malformation, points towards a common etiology.

The hydrocephalic theory initially proposed by Chiari in 1896, and resurrected, in 1959, by Gardner envisaged that the raised pressure due to hydrocephalus pushes the cerebellum through the foramen magnum. However, a Chiari malformation without hydrocephalus, or a meningomyelocoele  are pointers against this hypothesis.

Penfield and Coburn, and later Lichtenstein, believed that tethering of the spinal cord by a myelomeningocele pulled the brain stem and tonsils through the foramen magnum with axial growth.

A variant of this concept was proposed by Roth, who envisioned that the myelomeningocele prevents normal downward migration of the neuraxis, resulting in an upward push of the cervical-medullary junction with resulting kinking of the brain stem and "overflow" of the cerebellar tonsils through the foramen magnum. The experimental work of Goldstein and Kepes puts such theories in doubt.

Patten’s overgrowth theory postulated that owing to various noxious stimuli, there was an overgrowth of developing tissue which leads to an extru­sion of the cranial contents through the foramen magnum. However, the cerebellum of the Chiari malformation is hypoplastic, not hyperplastic. Peach  postulated that the malformation occurred as a result of a failure of the pontine flexure to develop. The medulla gets kinked in the process, with herniation of the hindbrain and the cerebel­lum into the cervical canal. The lower pons and upper medulla are thin and elongated, the lower medulla is thickened and the cerebellum is hypoplastic. The cervical roots run in an upward direction. The normal direction of the roots is established only in the mid-thoracic level. There may be hypoplasia of the falx and tentorium. The foramen magnum may be deformed and the cervical canal widened. There may be abnormalities of the septum pellucidum, widening of the massa intermedia, cysts of the third ventricle, beaking of the tectum, forking of the aqueduct, microgyria and upward herniation of the cerebellum.

Padget’s 'Neuroschistic' hypothesis suggests that the malformation begins as a premature junction of damaged bilateral cerebellar primordia to form a dysplastic vermis in an already microcephalic posterior fossa.   This is the result of abnormal neural clefts (neuroschisis) splitting open the primitive neural tube.  These clefts are relatively large and located anywhere along the spinal axis, but are often caudal and lead to severe types of spina bifida, as in the Arnold-Chiari malformation (Chiari's type-2). On this basis, smaller clefts in older embryos with less scarring and less posterior fossa microcephaly may give rise to the Chiari type-1 entity.

Modern theo­ries suggest that maldevelopment of the para-axial mesoderm of the fourth occipital sclerotome produces subnormal posterior fossa volume, while there is no reduction in infratentorial brain vol­ume, precipitating hindbrain herniation through the foramen magnum.

Although no gene or gene combination has been correlated with CMI, familial clustering and an association with genetic syndromes such as achondroplasia, hypophosphatemic rickets, Al­bright's hereditary osteodystrophy, and William's syndrome provide evidence for a genetic con­tribution to some cases.


Clinical Picture:


Type I Chiari malformation: In children, the most common presenting symptom is headache, with or without posterior cervical pain, Pain may manifest as persistent crying or irritability and sometimes with hyperextension of the neck or opisthotonos.

In adults and older children, typi­cally the symptoms are related to syringomyelia with a suspended and dissociated sensory impairment, with mainly pain and temperature sense being affected. Pain is the single most common presenting  complaint

Other symp­toms have been correlated with the site of compression. Cerebellar compression may cause ataxia and nystagmus; brain stem compression may produce pain, dysphagia and facial numb­ness. Spinal cord compression, often caused by a syrinx, may cause pain, weakness and/or sensory changes.

Lower cranial nerve dysfunction is present in approximately 20% of patients and can manifest as sleep apnea, dysarthria, hoarseness, recurrent aspiration, and tongue atrophy.

Type II is primarily seen in children and is almost always associated with a meningomyelocoele and in 90 per cent of cases with hydrocephalus as well. Chiari II malformation is the leading cause of death in patients with a myelomeningocoele. Brainstem involvement with compromise of lower cra­nial nerves, manifests as respiratory stridor, sometimes progressing to periods of apnoea and occasionally death. After infancy the main complaints are related to gait and limb incoordination spastic quadriparesis with the involvement of the pyramidal tracts.




Bony abnormalities of the skull and spine are common even in Chiari Type I-malformation. As many as two-thirds of patients show an abnormality in the form of larger basal angles, short clivus, and a reduced posterior fossa size, supporting the view that tonsillar herniation in these patients is as a result of occipital dysplasia. Thin cut CT scan with two-dimensional recon­structions aids in the identification of bony abnormalities at the cranio-cervical junction.  

MR is the imaging modality of choice for diagnosis as well as in the follow up of these patients. Most clinicians will give a diagnosis of CMI if the cerebellar tonsils descend 5 mm below the foramen magnum and demonstrate a peg-like morphology, rather than the normal rounded shape. Using MRI data from 221 patients without hindbrain pathol­ogy, Mikulis and colleagues proposed criteria defining tonsillar ectopia. During the first decade of life, ectopia would be present in cases of herni­ation greater than 6 mm below the foramen mag­num. Role of dynamic MRI is being evaluated. During the second and third decades, herniation of greater than 5 mm would constitute ectopia. Although herniation of greater than 5 mm generally is associated with symptoms, pa­tients who have as much as 12 mm of tonsillar herniation may be asymptomatic.   


In patients with Chiari type 1 an acquired Chiari caused by a mass lesion or hydrocephalus must be ruled out. Screening of entire spinal cord to assess for the presence of a syrinx, scoliosis, or other less common abnormality such as a tethered cord is mandatory.

 Chiari type 1-MRI

The main features of Chiari II are caudal displacement of the pons, medulla, and fourth ventricle, often with elongation and kinking. The cerebellar vermis herniates into the cervical spinal canal through an enlarged foramen magnum, with low-lying tento-rium cerebelli. Cerebellar heterotopias are also common. Supratentorial anomalies include collicular fusion, which gives the radiological impres­sion of tectal plate beaking, and an enlarged massa intermedia. Partial or total agenesis of the corpus callosum is seen in 33% of cases. Skull deformities include luckenschadel, scallop­ing of the petrous pyramids, clival shortening, and the previously mentioned enlargement of the foramen magnum.

Other findings are Hydrocephalus(80%) will develop in more than 80% of infants, syringohydromyelia(48%to 88%) and sccoliosis ( 50% to 90%).




Type 1: With advent of MRI there is increasing number of asymptomatic patients. The radiological criteria for the extent of tonsillar herniation are not absolute and should be consid­ered within the clinicopathological context.

There is a lack of standard treatment regimens and outcome measures, in the literature. The goal is to restore normal physiologic CSF flow at the cranio-cervical junction. Posterior fossa decom­pression accomplishes this and eliminates the cranial-spinal CSF pressure differ­ential that likely contributes to syrinx formation.

Dural opening and intra­dural maneuvers, such as amputation of cerebellar tonsils, plugging of the obex, duraplasty, and stent placement, remain subjects of significant debate.  Anderson and colleagues showed improved nerve conduction through the brain stem occurs after the bony decompression rather than the dural opening. There is evidence that the pediatric population responds well to simple bony decompression without dural open­ing. Complications are significantly more frequent in the groups who underwent dural opening


Patients with mainly pain and minimal neurological deficit will improve by about 70%. Despite good initial results, some patients likely will present with recurrent symptoms. Presence of syringohydromyelia does not appear to predict the outcome. The only variable predictive of a positive clinical outcome was age at diagnosis younger than 8 years.


Type 2: Early myelomeningocele repair is the first operative intervention for almost all infants, and most  of them develop fresh symptoms secondary to the Chiari malformation following surgical repair, In the majority, the treatment would be quite simple and a ventriculoperitoneal shunt to take care of the hydrocephalus and brainstem compression. A posterior decompression is rarely required and when it is required to be performed, mortality figures approach 40 per cent in the best of hands. During posterior decompression a cervical laminectomy without removal of the occipital bone is adequate as the foramen magnum is capacious. Surgery appears to arrest the neurological deterioration, and generally, the adults do better.




Syringomyelia is defined as a cystic cavity in the spinal cord. The term syringomyelia is generally used in the medical literature today for all cysts of the spinal cord, with the exception of most cysts associated with intramedullary tumors whose xanthochromic, proteinaceous fluid can be regarded as a product of the tumors. Simon introduced the term ‘hydromyelia’ to describe distended central canal lined by ependyma, containing CSF. Syringobulbia represents an upward extension of the cystic cavity into the brain stem.




Among many etiologies including trauma and tumors, the most common cause of syringohydromyelia is Chiari malformations. Chiari believed that fluid was present in the cord because of persistence of an embryological state: embryological hydromyelia associated with hydrocephalus. Other earlier theories suggested that the syrinx for­mation and extension depend upon open communication between the ventricular system and the syrinx through the obex.

On reviewing the earlier theories, Oldfield et al proposed that the impacted cerebellar tonsils act as a piston, compressing the cervical spinal cord and cranial aspect of the syrinx with each cardiac cycle.

Dynamic MRI findings demon­strating pathological obstruction of caudal CSF flow at the cranio-cervical junction during cardiac systole support this theory. However, an isolated thoracic syrinx.

and the observation that syringohydromyelia occurs more commonly with moderate degrees of tonsillar herniation as opposed to mild or severe herniation do not support this theory.

Post traumatic syrinx is the commonest in primary spinal forms. Subarachnoid space compression due to tumor, and  subarachnoid space compression or scarring in relation to spondylitic disease are other possible causes for a primary spinal syringomyelia.

In has been suggested that tissue necrosis and hematomyelia occurring after a cord injury are the precursors of an intramedullary cyst, which presumably develops as the blood elements are resorbed.

The appearance of post-traumatic spinal cord cavitation after very minor spinal trauma raises questions about this theory, or at least its general applicability. It is likely that subarachnoid scarring develops after trauma and impede rapid pressure equilibration within the subarachnoid space proximal and distal to the scar (spinal-spinal pressure dissociation).


Clinical features:


Children with Chiari malformation more are likely to present with motor or sensory changes or scoliosis. Adolescents more often pres­ent with motor and sensory disturbances, while younger patients commonly present with scoliosis.

Symptomatology in syringmyelia, unassociated with Chiari malformations depends on the site and etiology. Early in the course of the disease there is a wide range of fluctuating symptoms and signs, which often lead to a mistaken diagnosis. Pain in the neck or back, scoliosis or torticollis may be an early feature. Approximately 80 per cent of pa­tients complain of stiffness of the lower limbs and weak­ness of either the upper or the lower limbs. Intrinsic wasting of the concerned muscles, dissociated sensory loss, spastic weakness of the muscles may be other neurological findings. Extension into brainstem may cause unilateral or bilateral lower cranial nerve palsies, nystag­mus, and wasting of the tongue.




MRI is the choice of imaging, and delineates associated Chiari malformations, and other associated C-V junction anomalies.

Contrast myelography helps when MRI is contraindicated and also in post traumatic syrinx. Flow of contrast medium under fluoroscopy, may demonstrate a focal area of subarachnoid scarring, which has direct implications for the treatment of post traumatic syringomyelia.

Dynamic MR imaging permits a study of cerebrospinal fluid flow patterns. It is becoming more important in distinguishing hydrodynamically active syrinx cavities from cavities with little pulsatile flow, which may also be expected to show less benefit from surgical therapy.

Holocord syrinx-MRI(T2)




Treatment of asymptomatic syrinx is debatable, although majority of pediatric surgeons prefer surgery.

Posterior fossa decompression, corrects the pathologic CSF flow dynamics associ­ated with Chiari malformation, leading to syrinx collapse in many cases.

Younger patients do well. The role of syrinx diversion is controversial, in syrinx associated with Chiari malformations, and it frequently is used to treat refractory syringomyelia.

In primary spinal forms, historically, aspiration, drainage, myelotomy, and a variety of devices and tubes, as well as different extraspinal drainage sites have been used for diversion of fluid from a syringeal cavity. Shunting the fluid from the syringeal cavity to subarchnoid space has been practiced for many years.

Presence of extensive  subarachnoid space scarring warranted techniques of shunting from the cyst into the peritoneal or pleural cavities were introduced.

In the presence of injured cord, it is difficult to evaluate these patients pre or post operatively. Reports suggest  drainage of the syrinx  helps.

Syringomyelia associated with tumors, obviously, requires tumor excision.

Syringomyelia with archnoiditis do not do well.



























































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