Surgery for Epilepsy:


Dr. A. Vincent Thamburaj ,   

Neurosurgeon, Apollo Hospitals,  Chennai , India.


Surgery for epilepsy is not new. In the mid-seventies, epilepsy surgery took a dramatic downward trend world over with the introduction of newer antiepileptic medications. With the advances in neuroimaging and digital video techniques and data storage, worldwide interest in epilepsy surgery has increased of late. Today, epilepsy surgery is more effective and conveys a better seizure control rate. It has become safer and less invasive, with lower morbidity and mortality rates. Out of 50 million people with epilepsy globally, one million people with medically refractory epilepsies, of which nearly one half are potential surgical candidates in India. This chapter summarizes the current presurgical evaluation and surgical strategies.

Presurgical evaluation: 

Surgery is considered when adequate medical treatment in a patient with epilepsy has failed to give satisfactory control of the attacks, which interfere significantly with the patient’s ability to lead a normal or near normal life.  

The main aim of surgery is to reduce the seizure frequency rather than “cure” the epilepsy while minimizing the risk of neurological deficits. Cooperation of the patient and his/ her relatives is imperative to achieve this goal. Contraindications to epilepsy surgery include presence of a psychiatric disorder and progressive neurodegenerative disorder.  

The presurgical evaluation should be able to provide details on the patient’s current neuropsycholgical status, determining the exact location of seizure activity and evaluating the surrounding areas of the brain to determine what kinds of problems the patient might experience after surgery.

The goal of the presurgical evaluation is to determine if the patient has a single epileptogenic focus that is not in eloquent cortex, and can therefore be resected without causing an unacceptable neurological deficit. The presurgical evaluation for epilepsy (Table 1) has changed substantially in the past few decades, most notably since the advent of long term video EEG monitoring and advanced neuroimaging techniques.

(Table 1) Presurgical evaluation


Non invasive assessment

Clinical assessment

Brain imaging



Invasive assessment

Carotid amobarbital test

Intracranial electrodes


Clinical assessment: 

The importance of a good clinical assessment cannot be overemphasized. All components of seizure signs and symptoms (seizure semiology) should be evaluated in the assessment. The ictal history will point towards the origin and spread of seizure activity within the brain whereas the interictal component of history will indicate the pathology. Seizures and epilepsies naturally fall into 2 major groups, based on the site of seizure onset in the brain, either (1) focal (partial, localization-related) or (2) generalized. 

The signs and symptoms of simple or complex partial seizures arising within the temporal and frontal lobe easily point to the site of origin. Seizures arising in primary sensory or motor areas, in other supplementary areas and in the occipital lobe have a fairly typical presentation. Some patients may develop transient neurological deficit following a seizure known as Todd’s paresis.  

The typical candidates for surgery are patients with intractable epilepsy due to unilateral hemispheric cerebral pathology. Bilateral pathology or deficits predicts poor seizure-free outcome. The outcome in patients with an extratemporal seizure focus after resection has been worse than in those with a temporal focus,probably due to the more diffuse nature of such lesions.  

Brain imaging: 

Routine skull films are of little value. It may reveal tram track calcification as seen in tuberous sclerosis. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is the imaging of choice in epilepsy patients and has replaced routine computerized tomography (CT) because of superior imaging. CT scanning demonstrates intraparenchymal calcium and acute bleeding which help in distinguishing certain types of tumors or CNS syndromes, such as tuberous sclerosis. An epilepsy syndrome diagnosis combines the seizure type with its associated MRI, physical examination, genetic and other features. 

Every presurgical evaluation should include a complete study with special thin-cut coronal magnified views perpendicular to the axis of the temporal horn. MRI scanning lessens the need for invasive neurophysiological recording. Mesial temporal sclerosis varies in its severity and laterality and the ability to demonstrate this lesion will vary according to the MRI technique available.  

Various MRI sequences including volumetric analysis and fluid-attenuated inversion recovery (FLAIR) sequences are now available especially to study the temporal lobes in suspected cases of mesial temporal lobe epilepsy and demonstrate subtle changes. Cortical neuronal migration disorder can exist in diverse forms, some of which are amenable to focal resective surgery and others which are not.  MRI can also show when pathology is more widespread or multiple or when there may be dual pathology. MR spectroscopy may be used as an adjunctive to the other data.  

If neuro-imaging demonstrates a well-characterized lesion (i.e. unilateral hippocampal atrophy, cavernous angioma, focal cortical dysplasia, etc.) supporting the clinical features of the seizures, surgery may be reasonable without the general requirement for ictal EEG data or further imaging. 

Functional Brain Imaging:

Positron emission tomography (PET) measures regional cerebral metabolism and blood flow. Fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG) is most commonly used metabolic substrate for PET scan. Ictal PET is not practical due to the extemely short half life of the radiotracers used. In temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE), in the interictal state, there may be an area of hypometabolism on the same side as the epileptic focus. PET is more useful for lateralizing than localizing the epileptic focus.  Patients with bilateral hypometabolism on FDG-PET have a worse outcome from temporal lobe surgery than those with unilateral hypometabolism. 

Single-photon emission tomography (SPECT) demonstrates regional cerebral blood flow, which is linked to cerebral metabolism and can therefore be used to identify the epileptic focus.  Hexamethylene propylene amine (HMPAO), used for SPECT studies, is stable for several hours, allowing delayed imaging.  It is useful to identify the offending epileptiform focus in patients with multiple pathologies for example tuberous sclerosis. SPECT studies are obtained by injecting the radiotracer during (ictal) or soon after (postictal) the seizure activity. Co-registration of SPECT on MRI is being used in some centers. SPECT is less reliable than interictal PET for identifying dysfunctional cortex with hypometabolism. 

Functional MRI (fMRI) helps to visualize regional brain activity. It provides a reliable way to lateralize language dominance and eliminates the need for invasive intracarotid amobarbital test in 80% or more patients. 

Magnetoencephalography (MEG) is a noninvasive type of imaging based on the brain's ability to produce small magnetic dipoles with neuronal discharges. Large groups of neurons fire synchronously, as in an interictal epileptiform discharge and can be sensed with sophisticated imaging equipment and complicated computer analysis. This map of the epileptiform discharge can be useful for diagnostic purposes and for presurgical planning of intracranial electrode placement. However, MEG is still in the development stage.

Neurophysiological assessment:  

The most useful test in epilepsy diagnosis is the electroencephalography (EEG). By definition, epileptiform discharges are interictal patterns that include spikes, spike-and-slow-wave complexes, sharp waves, and sharp-and-slow-wave complexes. More than one seizure focus or psychogenic or physiologic nonepileptic seizure may be found when numerous episodes are recorded. Hence all surgical candidates should undergo long-term video EEG monitoring  preoperatively to record several typical seizures. 

Traditionally, EEG is recorded extra cranially with scalp electrodes; they only monitor from the superior and lateral cortex of the hemispheres. The frequency of the initial ictal discharge in the scalp EEG correlates with the degree of hippocampal pathology in temporal lobe epilepsy. Seizures originating from the mesial surface of the cerebral cortex may be difficult to detect by simple scalp telemetry and, therefore, a negative result does not necessarily exclude surgery. In certain patients, who may be candidates for functional procedures, the interictal EEG may be an important selection criterion, as with bilateral synchronous spike wave discharges for callosotomy and “electrical status epilepticus of slow sleep” (ESESS) in Landau - Kleffner syndrome (LKS).  Excellent surgical results have been reported in patients with unilateral preponderance of interictal epileptiform discharges of 3:1, along with ipsilateral ictal onset on ictal EEG. 

Neuropsychological assessment:

Epilepsy is often associated with psychiatric disorders such as behavioral changes, major mood disorders or psychosis. Neuropsychology provides information about size, location and degree of epileptic dysfunction. Preoperative evaluation assists in predicting epilepsy surgery outcome and thus helps in selecting ideal candidates for surgery. Basic neuropsychological tests have been used for many years to assess verbal and non-verbal intelligence and memory. These tests may help to evaluate the potential effect of resective surgery on brain function. Neuropsychological testing can also be used for nonoperative or postoperative epilepsy patients to assess their level of cognitive functioning in order to assist with vocational and cognitive rehabilitation in the context of their neurological disorder. 

Invasive assessment:  

The use of invasive techniques has been much reduced by improved understanding of the pathology of epilepsy and the development of modern brain imaging. If the data gathered from the clinical examination, imaging studies and noninvasive EEG evaluation are conflicting or disparities arise in the presumed localization of the seizure, invasive monitoring is warranted. 

Carotid amobarbital (Wada) test:

The intracarotid amobarbital test was developed by Jun Wada to preoperatively determine which hemisphere contains language function. The standard test involves injection of sodium amobarbital into each internal carotid artery. The primary use of the Wada test is to assess language lateralization and the ability of the contralateral mesial temporal structures to support memory postoperatively when anteromedial temporal resection (AMTR) is being considered to treat medically intractable epilepsy. The intracarotid amobarbital test can also be used to demonstrate bilateral secondary synchrony in which an epileptic focus in one hemisphere is thought to be driving activity in the other hemisphere. Alternatively methohexital and propofol can be used when amobarbital is not available. 

Invasive Electrodes (Table 2):

Invasive neurophysiology is indicated when there is a lack of concordance between investigations or observations and when there is a discrepancy between the interictal neurophysiological findings and the suspected seizure origin. Invasive electrode placements may be used with videotelemetry to clarify the nature and origin of a patient’s seizures. The depth electrodes are placed stereotactically  while other cranial electrodes require craniotomy. 

The interpretation of data obtained from intracranial recordings needs a sophisticated technological set-up with video-EEG and an experienced neurophysiologist. The use of depth electrodes has decreased with the advent of good MRI and varies considerably between centers, dependent upon their cases, other facilities and previous experience.  

(Table 2) Invasive electrodes.

Cranial electrodes



·         Extradural electrodes

Used in sampling wide areas with minimal invasion


·         Subdural strip and grid electrodes

Used in temporal / extratemporal (well confined cortex).

With free hand placement, subdural grid electrodes may be used for functional mapping extraoperatively, in advance of the cortical excision, by passing small currents between implanted electrodes.


·         Cortical plates / grids

Used in extratemporal cortex (large areas i.e. out of the multiple areas which area is the source of seizure)

Extraoperative cortical mapping and stimulation


·         Depth electrodes

Used in seizures arising from hippocampus/amygdale; Stereotactically determined placement of multicontact wire electrodes may be used primarily to explore an area of brain, surface and depth in order to delineate the epileptogenic zone and may include some stimulation protocols for functional localization and to provoke seizures.


·         Foramen ovale electrodes (Percutaneous placement similar to trigeminal glycerol block.)

Placed through foramen ovale to lie close to mesial surface of temporal lobe can provide lateralization, to distinguish temporal from extratemporal onset of seizures and mesial temporal from lateral temporal onset.


·         Sphenoidal electrodes

(Multi-standard wires are inserted below the zygomatic arch to the region of foremen ovale). 

Used especially for temporal lobe focus


 Intraoperative electrocorticography (ECoG):

Intraoperative ECoG is an interictal recording. It provides a possibility to delineate an epileptogenic region intraoperatively and is a useful tool in extratemporal resecting procedures. A hand held stimulator allows for precise individual localization of sensory, motor and language areas; it has limitations for sufficiently delineating the epileptogenic zone or eloquent cortices and cannot be used preoperatively for risk assessment, therapeutic decision-making and surgical planning. 

Surgical Pathology:                                                      

In many situations, the extent and nature of the cerebral pathology determine both the possible surgical intervention and the outcome of surgery. Table 3 provides a list of surgical pathologies observed in these epileptic patients.  

Temporal lobe epilepsy:  

It is the most frequent form of adult refractory epilepsy and also presents the best prognosis after surgical treatment. 80% of patients with temporal epilepsy present with clinical, electrophysiological, and imaging signs and symptoms suggestive of mesial temporal sclerosis (MTS). MTS typically causes complex partial seizures in young adult patients with a history of prolonged febrile seizures during childhood. However, despite intensive investigations, it has not been determined whether MTS is the cause or the result of prolonged seizures. 5-30% of TLE patients were shown to harbor associated pathology in one study. 

MTS (Fig 1) is characterized by atrophy of this structure in the T1-weighted sequence or in the volumetric reconstructions and by an increase of the signal in T2-weighted and the fluid-attenuated inversion recovery sequence. EEG demonstrate the presence of rhythmic activities in the mesial electrodes of the interictal EEG. SPECT reveals local metabolic changes. 

Extratemporal Epilepsies: 

Extratemporal epilepsies may be lesional or non lesional.  Identifiable structural lesions carry a better surgical prognosis and they commonly include tumors, vascular lesions, and cortical abnormalities. They are discussed in respective chapters. Nonlesional epilepsy represent the greatest challenge for the surgical treatment of epilepsies, with a lower success rate ranging from 20 to 55% of the patients.  Invasive monitoring is of fundamental importance in these patients.  

Extratemporal epilepsies tend to spread rapidly especially those involving the frontal lobe, the seizures rapidly cross to the contralateral side, also impairing their lateralization. Most patients with extratemporal epilepsies present extensive irritative multilobar surface areas in their EEG monitoring. Invasive monitoring with deep or subdural electrodes is necessary especially when the structural lesion cannot be located. Intraoperative eletrocorticography is considered to be an indispensable technique for defining the irritative zone in patients with refractory extratemporal epilepsies.

(Fig 1a) Rt. MTS – Coronal MRI T1

(Fig 1b) Rt. MTS – Coronal MRI T2

(Fig 1c) Rt. MTS – Coronal MRI FLAIR


(Table 3) Pathological lesions associated with intractable epilepsies




Congenital lesions

Congenital malformations of cortical development such as cortical dysplasias, heterotopia, schizencephalic clefts and the various forms of phakomatoses (such as Sturge Weber syndrome)

Hemispheric lesions such as

infantile hemiplegia syndrome, hemimegalencephaly, dysplastic hemisphere, and  Rasmussen (progressive chronic encephalitis) encephalitis.

Seizure outcome after resection of such malformations is variable and directly relates to the focal extent of the lesion.






Removal of the hemisphere or multilobar resection may be considered for controlling seizures.


Atrophic  lesion

Mesial temporal sclerosis

Anteromedial temporal resection yields best results.

Vascular lesions





Excision of the vascular abnormality and surrounding hemosiderin-stained cortex; simple lesionectomy often fails to stop the seizures

Neoplasm like


Hypothalamic hamartomas

ganglio-glioma, gangliocytoma and pilocytic and fibrillary astrocytoma

Removal of gross tumor, and the immediate surrounding tissue if possible will give the optimium result.


Arachnoid cyst

Traumatic encephalomalacia


 Surgical procedures (Table 4)

Lesions such as cavernous angiomas, low grade astrocytomas, cortical dysplasias and areas of focal atrophy that are clearly the cause of their seizures are often detected by MRI nowadays. Removal of the lesion with a small rim of surrounding cortex is often successful in controlling seizures. Lesionectomy is associated with excellent results with success rates that are generally better than with surgery performed in patients without discrete lesions. Behavioral problems in patients with uncontrolled temporal lobe epilepsy are well documented and they will often improve or disappear if seizure control is good. Psychosis supervening upon chronic epilepsy is usually a late event. Hence, early surgical intervention is favorable.

(Table 4) Surgical procedures

Resective surgery

Non resective  (disconnective) surgery

Temporal resection

Extratemporal resection

Multilobar resection





Multiple subpial transections

Stereotactic lesioning

Deep brain stimulation

Cerebellar stimulation

Vagal nerve stimulation


 Resective surgery:

These operations are performed when a well localized epileptic focus is identified in a part of the brain that can be safely removed without an unacceptable neurological deficit. Established measures to reliably assess the eloquence of certain cortex areas are cortical mapping through chronically implanted electrodes and intraoperative mapping during awake craniotomy.

Resective procedures are more effective and have a higher success rate 75 – 83 %. The application of resective techniques varies in extent and site and it is probably best to classify procedures into three groups: temporal resections, extratemporal resections and major resections. Extra-temporal resections are much less commonly performed with the majority being carried out in the frontal lobe. 

Temporal Resections: 

AMTR with amygdalo-hippocampectomy is a modification of the classical temporal lobectomy by reducing the amount of cortical removal and extending the hippocampal resection. It is the most commonly performed surgery with well defined indications and best results. Complex partial seizures with semiology typical of mesial temporal lobe epilepsy and   with EEG confirmation that seizures begin over the temporal area and MRI evidence of unilateral hippocampal atrophy or unilateral temporal lobe hypometabolism on PET scans respond best to AMTR. The mechanism of chronic temporal lobe epilepsy probably differs from focal epilepsy in other parts of the brain and this is important in assessing the value of various procedures. In temporal lobe epilepsy associated with mesial temporal sclerosis, there is good evidence for the “amplifier” mechanism which states that a normal parahippocampal gyrus is part of the neurophysiological circuit responsible for the persistence of the epilepsy and will need to be removed to obtain a cure.  

The extent and technique of temporal lobe resection vary between different epilepsy centers and surgeons. The standardized technique is en bloc removal of the anterior temporal lobe along with a part of hippocampus, uncus and dorso lateral parts of amygdale. In the dominant hemisphere, the majority of the superior temporal gyrus must be preserved. The insular cortex must remain undisturbed if the risk of a manipulation hemiplegia is to be avoided. The posterior extent of the resection is governed by the risk of hemianopia.   In adults, the limit is around 6.5 cm; in smaller children, it is convenient to use the height of the temporal lobe at the mid-Sylvian point as the posterior extent of the resection. 

It is also possible to carry out a restricted removal of the mesial temporal structures, described as selective amygdalohippocampectomy. Sometimes just the hippocampus part of the structure is removed. The purpose is to save as much lateral neocortex as possible to minimize memory function.  

Direct operative mortality following temporal lobe resection is rare. Possible complications with ATMR include homonymous superior quadrantanopsia due to involvement of either optic tract or radiation, language deficits and manipulation hemiplegia due to vascular injury or spasm involving the sylvian vessels, anterior choroidal artery branches supplying the cerebral peduncle or the perforators supplying the internal capsule. Recurrent seizures are more likely following temporal lobectomy when the hippocampus is not removed. Temporal lobe surgery can produce a schizophreniform psychosis, often associated with left-sided resections, but this is rare, less than 1% in one study.  

Extra-temporal Resections:

Extra-temporal resections account for less than 20 % of epilepsy surgeries. The surgical outcome is generally poor when compared to that of temporal lobe. Rapid seizure spread complicating electrophysiologic localization, and more frequent overlap with eloquent areas imposing limits on optimal resection of the epileptogenic zone may be the reasons for poor outcome. The Montreal Neurological Institute has reported in their last review of 257 patients with non-tumoral lesions, 26% had complete freedom from seizures and a further 30% had a marked reduction in seizures. The extent of the extratemporal resection is based upon the pathology rather than the neurophysiological abnormalities. It is recommended to resect a small rim of adjoining cortex as well. 

Most extratemporal resections involve frontal lobe. Resection from the parietal and occipital region is rare. When there is a pre-existing deficit, then there is less likelihood of an increase as a result of operation and, therefore, it is more reasonable to attempt it. Occipital lobe invariably involves the temporal lobe, often bilaterally, and temporal lobe seizures themselves can have visual components in their clinical presentation. 

Hemispheric procedures: 

Hemispheric procedures in the second or third year of life do not carry any risk of increased deficit and hence ideal for patients who come at early stages for diagnosis and evaluation. They are usefull for intractable epilepsy associated with major lesions involving one hemisphere, such as  the hemiconvulsion – hemiplegia - epilepsy syndrome (HHE syndrome), Sturge - Weber syndrome, Rasmussen’s encephalitis and hemimegalencephaly. They include multilobar resections, hemispherectomy and hemispherotomy. 

Multilobar resection is used to remove an epileptogenic area or pathology, which does not involve the whole hemisphere and by means of which useful cortex may be spared. This technique is used for patients with widespread cortical neuronal migration disorder and gross destructive lesions consequent upon trauma or cerebral infarction. Recovery from seizures or significant improvement has been reported in 53% of patients treated.

(Fig 2) Hemispherectomy for infantile hemiplgia

Infantile MCA infarct with seizures in 12 years old boy – diffusion MRI

Infantile MCA infarct with seizures in 12 years old boy – diffusion axial MRI T2

Infantile MCA infarct with seizures in 12 years old boy – coronal MRI

Post hemispherectomy CT

Hemispherectomy was originally advocated for infantile hemiplegia (Fig 2) epilepsy and behavior disorder. This was abandoned in the 1970s because of the complication of cerebral hemosiderosis which occurred in up to a third of patients and was often fatal. Subsequent modifications have been described. 'Hemidecortication' described by Benjamin et al, consists of removal of the whole cerebral cortex, with sparing of the white matter, thus avoiding opening of the lateral ventricle. The 'modified hemispherectomy' as described by Adams  consists of an anatomic hemispherectomy followed by occlusion of the ipsilateral foramen of Monro with muscle to prevent communication between ventricular CSF and the hemispherectomy cavity. The use of Adams’ modification in which, amongst other features, the enormous cavity in contact with the subarachnoid space is converted into an extradural space led to a significant reduction of delayed hemosiderosis.

Hemispherotomy has replaced the more invasive hemispherectomy. In hemispherotomy, cortex is disconnected from all subcortical structures and the interhemispheric commissures are divided, but the brain remains in place. The technique involves shorter operation times, much less operative trauma and less blood loss. Other benefits include improved intellectual performance and behavior if the seizures are controlled. A vertical parasaggital approach described by Delalande, a peri-insular technique described by Villemure and later more modifications have been described. Rasmussen  has reported  over 85% marked improvement and about 60% seizure free outcome. 

Non resective / disconnective procedures:

These operations modify the brain function so as to improve the control of epilepsy. The aim is to isolate or disconnect the epileptogenic area of the ipsilateral hemisphere or to prevent the propagation of the seizure to the contralateral hemisphere.

Originally epilepsy surgery was based on physiological as well as structural principles. Increasing knowledge of the underlying pathology and improved direct brain imaging have resulted in less attention being paid to functional operations, especially stereotactic lesioning. Currently, the available procedures for epilepsy are stereotactic lesioning, cutting various fiber tracts or other connections, including the various methods of callosotomy and multiple sub-pial transection, and, finally, brain stimulation either with intracranial electrodes or vagal nerve stimulation. These procedures are not standardized and have a lower success rate. 


Corpus callostomy prevents the bilateral synchrony of a cortical epileptiform activity that may result in seizures with bilateral motor manifestations. This procedure was based upon observations in experimental models of epilepsy and a fortuitous observation that seizures improved in a patient whose glioma had invaded the anterior corpus callosum. 

Callostomy disrupts one or more major CNS pathways used in seizure generalization and decreases the frequency and severity of either primary or secondary generalized seizures. It is indicated when the patient has a severely damaged hemisphere but motor, sensory or visual function that would be valuable to preserve. It helps in patients with generalized tonic-clonic, tonic or myoclonic seizures or seizures with drop attacks refractory to medical treatment. It is particularly indicated in atonic or drop attacks and in patients who are prone to violent falls that often result in head injury. They tend to improve markedly although a complete cure of seizures is extremely rare. In many patients subjected to callosotomy, there is no demonstrable structural lesion and, in these patients, the only absolute indication for callosal section seems to be bilateral synchronous EEG discharges.  

It is valuable to assess the degree of section post-operatively, using the MRI. Generally, complete callosotomy has been abandoned and an anterior two-thirds section substituted; although a complete callosal section yields best results the risk of disconnection is greatest. It is recommended that the splenium is spared. 

The goal is to reduce seizure frequency and associated morbidity and not a seizure free outcome. The seizure disorder usually persists postoperatively but seizures may become less frequent, less disabling, and less violent.  Partial seizures and myoclonic jerks may not respond and may even be made worse by the procedure.  

Two cognitive complications may follow callosal section. Speech may be affected in patients of mixed cerebral dominance, where inter-hemispheric communication is essential for the proper comprehension and production of speech and related functions. The second complication is the posterior disconnection syndrome, in which complex tasks requiring the utilization of information from both hemispheres become impossible. It is associated with division of the posterior fibers at a one-stage callosotomy and may be less severe when the operation is staged. Complete section of the corpus callosum is reserved for patients whose response to anterior section is unsatisfactory. Reports suggest 50-80% reduction in the seizure frequency. 

Multiple Subpial Transsection (MST):

First described by Morrell and Whisler, MST is the only acceptable surgical treatment if the epileptogenic focus involves eloquent cortex. MST depends upon the observation that cortical organization is columnar. The functions of eloquent cortex are subserved by vertical columns, whereas the propagation of epileptic impulses occurs through horizontal fiber connections. Morrell reasoned that if multiple transsections of the cortex were made below the pia, preserving the cortical vessels, it would reduce epileptiform activity whilst preserving essential function.  

MST involves selective division, with specially constructed hooks under microscopic control, of the horizontal sub pial fibres at 5-mm intervals along the gyri which exhibit epileptiform activity. It is important to maintain the integrity of the pia and avoid cortical blood vessels and also to be careful of vessels in the depths of the sulcus; the buried cortex of the insula is especially vulnerable. Both Morrell and other authors describe using this technique both alone and in combination with resection.  

Most patients present temporary deficits during the postoperative period, with improvement within 2–4 weeks and a return to the previous functional status. The incidence of permanent deficits is about 5%. Some neurological deficits appear postoperatively but these generally resolve over several weeks with satisfactory improvement in seizure control in 70 % of patients. The effect on seizure control is variable; most series report reduction rather than abolition of seizures by MST alone. 

MSTs can be used for the treatment of continuous partial epilepsy; focal seizures of the sensory, somatosensory,or visual cortex; resection with evidence of epileptiform activity in the adjacent eloquent areas  It is also very successful in Landau - Kleffner syndrome and has also been proposed to deal with patients with widespread multi-focal epilepsy.

Stereotactic Lesioning:

Stereotactic amygdalotomy, hippocampotomy and fornicotomy have been described in the literature; however, outcome with modern stereotactic ablative surgery using current image guided technology is not as favorable as those obtained with standard temporal resections.

Stimulation (augmentive) procedures:

This became practical with the miniaturization of electronic components and development of safe silicone polymers. Cooper applied stimulation to the surface of the cerebellum on the basis of animal studies in which cortical discharges were reduced or inhibited by cerebellar electrical stimulation. But subsequent studies showed this treatment to be ineffective and it fell into disuse. Numerous attempts have been made to reduce seizure frequency by stimulation of deep brain structures, including the anterior thalamus, the centromedian thalamic nucleus, the caudate nucleus, the posterior hypothalamus, and the hippocampus. Theories relating to centrencephalic epilepsy and a thalamo cortical relay had suggested that chronic thalamic stimulation might lead to better control of the epilepsy.  

Similar physiological considerations lead to intermittent retrograde stimulation of the left vagus nerve. Its mechanism of action is uncertain, but it is known to desynchronize the electroencephalogram.14  Vagus nerve stimulation is recommended in those with medically refractory epilepsy who are not candidates for epilepsy surgery and in those where the surgery has failed, although the results of a number of uncontrolled trials. There are inevitable minor side effects associated with this stimulation, including hoarseness and a sensation in the throat, and there is also the risk of electrode movement, cable fracture and receiver or generator failure.  


Stereotactic-guided radiotherapy for epilepsy has been described, using either a linear accelerator or the Leksell Gamma Knife. There is considerable experience using this method of treatment for obliteration of other lesions in the brain. It has come to the fore in the treatment of mesial temporal sclerosis and the largest experience has been reported by Regis et al Their report showed that, at 2 years, 81% of 16 patients were seizure free. Good results have also been reported with hypothalamic hamartomas, AVMs and cavernomas.  


Surgical resection of the epileptogenic area can be curative or can provide significant amelioration of the seizure frequency in majority of individuals. AMTR yields a better quality of life and reduced depression and anxiety as soon as 3 months after surgery, compared with continued medical therapy. Epilepsy duration is the most important predictor for long-term surgical outcome. Presence of unilateral temporal interictal epileptiform activity, unilateral temporal ictal onset, presurgery seizure frequency below 20 complex partial seizures per month, presence of febrile seizures are other factors associated with better outcome.   A highly localized interictal scalp EEG focus as a predictor of outcome. 

Surgical resection of a unilateral atrophic hippocampus renders more than 80% of patients seizure free while bilateral atrophy or lack of atrophy is found to be less favourable. Patients with brain damage2 and mentally retarded patients are less likely to improve. Outcome after surgery for lesional epilepsy is variable ranging in literature from 39 to 83%. Incomplete removal of the epileptic focus being the main reason for poor surgical outcome.  

Functional procedures are not standardized and only relieve epilepsy completely in less than 5% of cases, although they will produce significant and useful amelioration of the fits. The long-term psychosocial effects of epilepsy surgery are still unclear.

In children, data suggest however that although there are predictive factors with regard to seizure freedom, reduction or withdrawal of anticonvulsants cannot be guaranteed, with lower rates of seizure freedom for developmental malformations, particularly hemimegalancephaly. Early data from children undergoing temporal lobectomy suggested little overall risk to cognitive function with recent data suggesting greater likelihood of improvement in children than adults 12 months following surgery when compared to preoperatively.  Similar result is seen following hemidisconnection procedures, most studies report little longitudinal change in IQ Children with developmental pathology had a significantly lower IQ presurgery, with no significant gain post surgery. 

Most patients will require ongoing anticonvulsant treatment for two or more years. Mortality and major morbidity after surgery for epilepsy are nowadays low: mortality is less than 0.5% and hemiparesis and hemianopia occur in less than 2% of cases. 

There has been interest in the psychosocial results of epilepsy surgery since the 1950s. Guldvog  examined two groups of patients treated medically and surgically and followed them for 20 years. Significant improvement in the work situation was seen only in those who were in full-time education or work before surgery. Similar findings were reported by McLachlan  in which patients treated both medically and surgically had improvement in quality of life if they were seizure free or had a 90% reduction at 2 years. The surgical group was more likely to attain this target.

There is no consensus on withdrawal of drugs but patients following surgery are continued on the preoperative anticonvulsant for at least 1 year. At the end of 1 year an EEG is taken and if normal the drug is gradually tapered. Effects on overall health status, quality of life and financial benefits to the state or community of epilepsy surgery have not been adequately studied.   


The most reported causes of treatment failure were dual pathology, recurrent tumor, limited resection to preserve function, widespread developmental abnormalities, and electrographic sampling error.90  The most reported common cause for poor outcome of the original operation in patients with temporal lobe epilepsy was insufficient hippocampal resection.   

Patients who were most likely to benefit from reoperation are: 1) those with initially incompletely resected structural lesions; 2) those who were initially evaluated with invasive ictal monitoring; and 3) those who underwent further resection of the initial operative site rather than resection of a different cortical region.115 Patients with initial focal resections followed by enlargement of the original operative site have the most successful outcome, especially those with complex partial seizures of temporal lobe origin.  

In a series of reoperation,41 44.3% were seizure free, 30.5% significantly improved and 25.2% were not improved. Temporal lobe resections tended to do better, with 55.7% seizure free and 16.5% not improved, whereas for other resections, only 24.5% were seizure free and 40% were not improved. When there is a structural lesion which has been missed or incompletely removed, then the seizure-free proportion rises to 80 - 90%.  

Key points

·         Epilepsy surgery is safer and less invasive and more effective with better seizure control rates with lower morbidity and mortality rates.

·         A presurgical, video EEG to define and localize the seizure focus, MRI and localization of eloquent cortex by neuropsychological or functional testing are mandatory..

·         If no lesion is seen in MRI, SPECT and PET may be useful; intraictal SPECT scanning of regional blood-flow changes is an extremely useful tool for confirmation of a seizure focus and PET is helpful to correlate abnormal glucose metabolism with areas of anatomical abnormality.

·         If SPECT and PET are inconclusive, invasive electrodes help; electrocorticography can further define the boundary between functional and non-functional cortex.

·         Anterior temporal lobectomy with hippocampectomy is the most commonly performed surgical procedure; early surgery has a better outcome.

·         Excision of areas of cortical dysplasia are been performed more frequently in recent years, as this condition can now usually be defined with MRI; other resective surgery includes multilobar resection and hemispherectomy.

·         Corpus callostomy and MST are palliative procedures that may benefit some patients with severe generalized seizure patterns.
























































































































































































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