Linac radiosurgery-a physicist's role:


Dr.  V. Sankaranarayanan,  

Medical Physicist, Apollo Hospitals,  Chennai , India.

Stereotactic Radiosurgery is a precise radiation treatment technique in which small intracranial lesions are irradiated with high dose of radiation in single fraction. The treatment is carried out with heavy ion beams, cobalt-60 gammarays, and 6MV x-rays from Linear accelerator. This High Precision Irradiation can be achieved by ensuring high level of accuracy in all stages of treatment planning process.

Linear accelerator based radiosurgery uses a modified Brown-Roberts-Wells (BRW) head ring for stereotactic localization of the lesion. CT, MRI and Angiograms are the imaging modalities used for treatment planning. A special circular collimator assembly which houses treatment collimators ranging in diameter from 1.25 cm to 4.00 cm is attached to linear accelerator for treatment.

Arterio-venous Malformations, Meningiomas, Acoustic Schwannomas and solitary metastatic tumors are the commonest clinical cases suitable for radiosurgery.

The procedure starts with the fixation of BRW headring onto the cranium of the patient using carbon posts and screws. Stereotactic localisation is achieved by fitting the localiser frames over the headring exclusively designed for each imaging modality such as CT,MRI and Angiogram.

CT is the primary image set used for treatment planning  because of its high geometric accuracy. The parameters required before image acquisition like FOV, Slice thickness and magnification are carefully noted. The CT scan covers the top of the scalp for better dosimetric calculations. Two mm slices are taken at the lesion level and 5mm slice spacing is used for the rest of the skull. 2mm slice spacing allows for better visualization and contouring of the target volume. The CT images are transported to the dedicated treatment planning system via network. MRI and Angiographs are introduced via Magneto Optical Disk and Film scanner respectively. The CT and MRI images 

reformatted before introduction into the planning module. The external volume of the patient is reconstructed first by drawing the outline in all CT slices. Critical structures such as Eyes, Optic nerves, Optic Chiasm and Brain stem are contoured in CT slices and a 3D reconstruction enables one to view the complete anatomy from any angle. 

The primary lesion is outlined in the CT slices by the neurosurgeon. By positioning a suitable collimator size onthe lesion, the target X,Y,Z coordinates referenced to the head ring are determined. Based on the size, shape and proximity of the lesion to the neighboring critical structures, the collimator size and the number of arcs are chosen. Multiple, non-coplanar arcs are positioned at suitable angles to avoid overlapping beams. By adjusting the beam parameters such as arc angle, beam weights, couch angle and collimator size, an optimal plan can be accomplished. The best plan is selected on the basis of isodose distributions in the lesion and the dose-volume histograms (DVH) of lesion and proximal critical structures. . Larger lesions are treated by judiciously positioning multiple collimators in the lesion.

Pre-treatment QA checks are carried out to ensure accurate treatment delivery to the target volume planned. A 3 shot film test is taken after setting the target coordinates in two gadgets namely Laser Target Localizer Frame (LTLF) and Rectilinear Phantom Pointer (RLPP). The positions of radio opaque ball within 1.25 cm collimator field at 3 gantry angles (0deg,90deg and 270deg) gives the information of the congruence of laser beams to the isocenter. Film check tolerance of 1 mm is strictly adhered to for accurate dose delivery. In addition CT&MRI calibration and absolute dose verifications are done using Radionics Skull phantom and home-made Perspex phantoms.

Monitor unit calculations are done manually to verify the computer generated results. Careful simulation of non-coplanar arcs is carried out to make sure that there is no collision of couch with gantry. Prior to treatment Depth helmet readings(fig.5) are taken to ensure the immobilization of the skull is perfect by comparing the readings with the ones taken during CT scan. During the treatment the patient setup is continuously observed via the monitor for smooth treatment delivery.

Stereotactic Radiosurgery is a non-invasive procedure well suited for many intracranial lesions which are not manageable by conventional neurosurgical treatments . The results of treatment observed over 20 years in many centers have shown good efficacy, low incidence of treatment complications and no treatment related mortality for small lesions. Apollo Speciality hospital, Chennai, India started radiosurgery in 1995. So far 330 patients have been treated with radiosurgery and 90 patients with stereotactic radiotherapy. The patients have been followed up every year for assessing the clinical outcome after radiosurgery. The results of the follow-up done so far are encouraging and we continue to acquire more data for effective analysis.


         circular collimater


BRW headring for SRS with CT localizer frame on the right 


  X knife treatment planning system for radiosurgery


Radionics Skull phantom for QA checks and perspex phantom for dose measurement.   


Depth helmet measurement during Stereotactic radiotherapy treatment procedure.






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