Extradural hematomas:


Dr. Krishna Sharma,   

Senior neurosurgical registrar, Apollo Hospitals,  Chennai , India.

Extradural hematoma (EDH) can be the most satisfying case for a neurosurgeon and constitutes a major source of preventable mortality in the head injured. 


It occurs in all age groups, but mostly in under the age of 40 years and commoner in males. It is the most common post-traumatic intracranial hematoma in children and follows SDH and ICH in adults. 10% of fatal injuries in Glasgow autopsy series, 1-4% of imaged craniocerebral trauma, and less than 2% of admitted craniocerebral trauma have EDH.


It is the result of an impact injury most common in road traffic accidents, assaults, and fall from a height. Occasionally, it may present as a post operative event or as a result of bleeding from a dural AVM.


The potential extradural space needs to be stripped off the inner table before the meningeal vessels bleed. In children under 3 years and in the older age group, the dura is adherent to the inner table and hence the EDH is less frequent.   

In more than 50% of EDHs, the source of bleeding is a ruptured middle meningeal artery. In 33%, it is a ruptured middle meningeal vein. The rest is from venous sinuses and diploic veins. The extravasated blood separates the dura from the bone, leading to detachment of further vessels thus aggravating the bleeding; the stripping do not cross the suture lines. Over 80% of them are associated with a fracture.  

In 67%, the involved site is temporo-parietal region, and in about 10%, the site is frontal. Occasionally it is bilateral.

Posterior fossa EDHs are uncommon, but the clinical deterioration is rapid. A fracture at the region of transverse sinus or a diastasis of the lambdoid or occipito-mastoid suture should alert the surgeon. A collection of 15ml of blood in the subtentorial space results in severe functional disturbance. Obstructive hydrocephalus is an ever present possibility.

Clinical features: 

The volume is not always directly proportional to the severity of the clinical symptoms. 25 ml of hematoma is considered significant.  The clinical picture depends on location, rapidity of hematoma formation, associated intradural and other injuries, and internal decompression through fractures (blood & CSF leakage). 

The classical triad of head injury with lucid interval, ipsilateral mydriasis and contralateral paresis occurs only in 18% of cases and mainly in hematomas of the parieto-temporal hematomas.

Often, the clinical picture is a combination of the above. There are no definite symptoms of epidural hematomas. The clinical course may the same in acute SDHs, ICHs, and temporal and frontal contusions.

 In acute EDHs, the frequency of the clinical presentations is as follows:

hyperacute course (up to 10 hours)


acute course (up to 24 hours)


short LOC followed by lucid interval (classical type)


irritability, headaches, nausea


GCS<7 from the onset with progressive deterioration


ipsilateral anisocoria


contralateral anisocoria 


contralateral hemiparesis


ipsilateral hemiparesis (kernohan's phenomenon)


In subacute or chronic types, the lucid interval may last for days and weeks.

In children, seizures, vomiting, irritability, lethargy are common. The onset of symptoms may be delayed, but deterioration may be rapid. Fracture is uncommon. Blood volume lost to the extradural space in an infant may be enough to produce a clinical picture of shock.


X-rays of the skull may reveal a fracture, suggesting the site of the EDH.

CT scan is the investigation of choice. The minimal volume required for visualization in CT is about 25ml. Initial CT may be negative in about 30% of cases. The hematoma is seen as a biconvex, hyperdense, nonenhancing extraparenchymal lesion. Heterodensity (Glacier effect) suggests active/ fresh bleed.


 Hypodense bubbles within the hematoma suggest venous tear.

            Biconvex EDH-CT

The hematoma may become isodense in about 2 weeks. Obliteration of cerebral sulci may give a clue. 

A chronic EDH may reveal a contrast enhancing periphery.

Associated parenchymal injury, and a midline shift of >8mm suggest a bad  prognosis.


MRI scans show better delineation of the pathology. The displaced dura 

  Fracture & contra-coup EDH-CT

appear as a thin low signal intensity between the hematoma and brain.

Ultrasound is useful in children with open fontanels and cost effective during conservative treatment and follow-ups.


Non operative management may be tried when an EDH is an incidental finding and small (<1cm) with no suggestion of raised ICP or focal deficit. 


Close observation with serial CT scanning is a must. 

            Post.fossa EDH-CT

Prolonged hospitalization may be required. 

In an emergency when clinical symptoms develop rapidly and an urgent CT scanning is not available, exploratory burrholes on the site of fracture or soft tissue injury and/or in the temporal region on the side of pupillary dilatation  are  carried out. Frontal and parietal burrholes may be done if the other burrholes  do not reveal a clot. It is advised to explore the opposite side as well. However, burrholes usually do not lead to radical removal of the EDH.

A craniotomy allows radical removal of the EDH and control of the bleeding; the dura may be opened if associated SDH is suspected. Bony decompression is advised by some surgeons. Some surgeons prefer to leave a drain. A ventricular drainage may be required in posterior fossa lesions. 

Massive (malignant) cerebral edema following evacuation is assumed to be due to loss of cerebral autoregulation. It is usually associated with delayed evacuation and very difficult to treat.

Post operative intensive management with attention to metabolic, respiratory, and infective complications associated with prolonged unconsciousness determines the final outcome. ICP monitoring helps to detect  reaccumulation of the EDH.   


It depends on the extent of secondary brain injury and associated injuries. The nature of the first aid given and the timing of the surgery determine the prognosis. The longer the period of lucid interval, the greater are the chances of full recovery. GCS  at the time of surgery, and  the volume of EDH  also determine the outcome.

The overall mortality ranges from 20-40% in various series. Children do better. Faster transportation of the head injured, earlier recognition of the clot, improved neurosurgical services, and the availability of CT scans have greatly improved the prognosis.






















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