Spontaneous intracerebral hematomas:


Dr. A. Vincent Thamburaj,   

Neurosurgeon, Apollo Hospitals,  Chennai , India.

By definition, it excludes traumatic and aneurismal hematomas.

25% of all the strokes present with intracerebral haematoma (ICH) and account for 2-4% of all deaths. They are twice as common as SAH. Over two thirds are known to be fatal. The patients are usually middle aged or over, with a male preponderance. The incidence is about 1 per 10,000 with a 30day mortality of 44%.


There are two categories, primary and secondary.

Primary ICH:

It is associated with hypertension and distinct from haemorrhagic infarcts. It has been suggested that hypertensive changes in the arterial wall, such as, hyaline degeneration, and microaneurysms are at fault. Another suggestion is the thin walled vessels (such as lenticulostriates), originating directly from the main vessel are subjected to higher intravascular pressure than the cortical vessels and tend to rupture.80% of them are supratentorial. 

Mostly, the location is central and deep. 


                Putamen                         -55%

                Thalamus                       -10%

                 Subcortical whitemater  -15%

                 Cerebellar hemisphere   -10%

                 Pons                             -10%


Secondary ICH :

It is associated with a medical condition other than hypertension, representing about 20% of all ICHs. 

They may be due to:

Coagulopathies (10-15%)-Among these, platelet disorders are important. About 5% of those receiving heparin, irrespective of the dosage, develop thrombocytopenia. The platelet defects may be hereditary (Von Willebrand’s disease) or acquired through drugs (Aspirin, penicillin, or new cephalosporins) or through disease (myeloproliferative and dysplastic disorders, uraemia, cirrhosis, SLE, multiple myeloma).

AVMs (7%) represent a heterogenous group with different histological types (cavernoma, AVMs, venous angioma and capillary telangiectosis).

Vasculopathies (5%), such as cerebral amyloid angiopathy, polyarterites nodosa and necrotizing vasculopathy in drug abusers, tend to produce multiple subcortical haematomas.

Tumors (2%) such as glioblastoma and metastatic tumors such as, melanoma, choriocarcinoma, renal cell carcinoma and bronchogenic carcinoma, are the most frequent tumors in producing ICH. 


The hematomas may be massive (>5cm ) with extension into the ventricles or may be small (<1.5 cm ).

The extravasated blood forms a roughly circular or oval mass which grows in volume for a brief period. Adjacent brain tissue is displaced and compressed resulting in extensive edema and ischemia. Ischemic area may be much larger than the area of clot.

Cerebellar and brainstem ICH may produce obstructive hydrocephalus which may add to the problems. In large hemorrhage, there is midline shift and the vital centers are compromised. 

Rebleeding is rare. 

Resolving haematomas may develop into a cyst over a period of months, with a gliotic wall which may be orange colored due to haemosiderin laden macrophages.

Clinical features: 

It depends on the site and size of the hematoma.

Sudden headache, vomiting with depressed level of consciousness and focal signs  is the usual mode of presentation. 

Absence of neck stiffness may help to exclude SAH .

The large ones are usually associated with LOC.

In putaminal ICH, the patient develops sudden hemiplegia with conjugate horizontal gaze deviation towards the clot. Speech may be involved if the dominant hemisphere is involved.

In thalamic ICH, the findings are as in putaminal ICH; in addition, there may be neck retraction, paralysis of vertical gaze with upward gaze palsy, inequality of pupils, and skew deviation with the contra lateral eye being displaced downward and medially.

Cerebellar ICH presents with severe headache, nausea and vomiting and imbalance and depressed level of consciousness.

Pontine ICH present with coma, pin point pupils and decerebrate rigidity.

Cortical ICH may present with headache and seizures. 


CT scan will reveal the clot and other associated features such as midline shift and hydrocephalus. A contrast CT may suggest a vascular problem, which may necessitate an angiography.

MRI gives a better delineation of the above; in addition 


the age of the haematoma can be guessed. MRI may suggest an associated AOVM. 

Thalamic hge. with    intraventricular extension

Cerebellar hge 

due to Cavernoma

  Ext.capsule Hge


Angiography should be carried out whenever there is a suggestion of vascular malformation, in the absence of previous hypertension or coagulopathies before a life saving clot evacuation. When surgery is not planned, the angiography can wait for few weeks to avoid a false negative angiography.

Coagulation studies must be done as a routine in addition to ECG, chest X-ray and other general investigations.



intratumoral bleed    ----   plain and contrast CT

Supportive care control of hypertension, reduction of ICP without compromising the CPP and prevention of complications are the mainstay. Fluid and electrolytes and tissue oxygenation must be closely monitored. The aim is to avoid secondary events.

An aggressive decrease of high BP may lead to cerebral ischaemia. Ideally, it should not be lowered below 150mm Hg systolic and 100 mm of Hg diastolic. 

Should general measures to control the raising ICP fail, hyperventilation may help; but must be employed with careful watch on pCo2, arterial blood pressure and preferably with ICP monitoring as well. The CPP should not be compromised.  

Osmotherapy with mannitol  may help only when the serum osmolality is lower than 300 mosm/kg.

Prophylactic anti convulsant therapy is advised by most physicians with no supporting evidence. 

The role of Surgical intervention is controversial.  Neurosurgeons and neurologists advocate that large cerebellar hemorrhages with compression of the brain stem or obstruction of the fourth ventricle should be surgically removed as soon as possible. Surgical removal of large lobar hemorrhages in young patients who are clinically deteriorating has also been recommended based on anecdotal experience. On the other hand, the results of such surgery in hematomas within the basal ganglia and other deep structures are unacceptable. Standard craniotomy for surgical removal of primary brain stem or thalamic hemorrhages has been all but abandoned because of the extremely poor outcomes in almost all patients.

Craniotomy: Craniotomy and evacuation of the clot has been the standard approach for removal of intraparenchymal hemorrhage. In addition a decompressive craniectomy with a duraplasty is prefered by some. Its major advantage is adequate exposure to remove the clot. It is not difficult or time-consuming. The major disadvantage of a more extensive surgical approach is that it may lead to further brain damage, particularly in patients with deep-seated hemorrhages. In addition, the effectiveness of clot removal by craniotomy is far from ideal.

There have been numerous nonrandomized series comparing craniotomy and best medical treatment of ICH. Recently Morgenstern and colleagues reported a single-center, randomized trial (STICH Trial) of standard craniotomy versus best medical therapy in patients with supratentorial ICH; the goal was to perform surgery 12 hours after symptom onset. Patients had to have a supratentorial ICH with a volume 10 cm3 and a GCS score of 5 to 15. Of the 34 patients in the randomized trial, 17 were randomized to removal of the ICH by standard craniotomy. The median time to surgery for the 17 patients was 8.3 hours (minimum 3.75 hours and maximum 26.1 hours). The 6-month mortality for the surgical group was 17.6% compared with 23.5% for the medical group. The median 6-month Barthel index score for survivors in the surgical group was also similar to the median Barthel index score for the medical group. However, the groups were not balanced with regard to ICH location. Only 1 of the 17 patients (6%) in the surgical group had a lobar hemorrhage compared with 7 of 17 patients (41%) of the medical group.

Nonrandomized treatment series of patients with cerebellar hemorrhage report good outcomes for surgically treated patients who have large (>3 cm) cerebellar hemorrhages or cerebellar hemorrhages with brain stem compression or hydrocephalus. In these patients, medical management alone often results in bad outcomes. Smaller cerebellar hemorrhages without brain stem compression that are managed medically do reasonably well.

Newer techniques: The grim results of conventional craniotomy have stimulated a search for more tolerable, less traumatic, and safer methods of clot removal. Technical advances in removal of ICH include improved localization of the hemorrhage by stereotactic devices or intraoperative ultrasound and better surgical techniques.

Innovations in devices to break up and remove the blood clot include modifications of an Archimedes screw inside a cannula, a specially designed ultrasonic aspirator, a modified nucleotome, a double track aspiration, and intraoperative CT monitoring. Intraoperative ultrasound has also been used to identify the hemorrhage and monitor its removal in real time..

Stereotactically controlled endoscopic evacuation is gaining popularity. It permits localization of the lesion, and removal of the clot is performed under optic control, which may be important in cases of cryptic arteriovenous malformations. This high-tech method may be simple, fast, safe, and effective and provides for continuous intraoperative volume removal.

Fibrinolysis aids rapid dissolution of the remaining blood. The aim is to achieve a mass reduction as well as to reduce the extension of perifocal edema and minimize the amount of tissue damage. The most commonly used thrombolytic protocol has been administration of 6000 U of urokinase once or twice daily via a catheter into the bed of the hematoma with subsequent drainage and aspiration. A urokinase washout can be performed for up to 7 days after the bleeding.This procedure is often repeated over several days until the majority of the hematoma has been aspirated.

Hematoma puncture and catheter placement for fibrinolytic therapy could be achieved with high accuracy and safety using frameless stereotaxy. This method, reportedly, allows unrestricted trajectory selection with catheter positioning along the main hematoma axis. Further studies are required to investigate if frameless stereotactic puncture and clot lysis could contribute to improve the outcome of patients with ICH.

Outcome: The natural course of spontaneous ICH leads to a 30-day mortality rate of 45%. The patient's initial level of consciousness, hemorrhage size, and intraventricular extension of blood has proven to be accurate predictors of outcome. Less commonly, age, sex, hypertension, and mass effect may indicate harmful effects on outcome in patients with ICH. 

The author recommends that patients with smaller hematomas who are alert, stable, or improving should be treated medically and the patients with larger hematomas who show progressive neurological deficit, prolonged functional impairment, and intracranial hypertension should be treated surgically. Patients with a GCS score <4 should also be treated medically because they uniformly die or have extremely poor functional outcome that cannot be improved by surgery. Easily accessible supratentorial hematomas with mass effect, especially in the young and in those with a GCS score >5, must be evacuated. The aim of surgery should be the removal of as much of the clot as possible, with minimal disruption of surrounding brain tissue. If possible, surgery should also remove the underlying cause of hemorrhage, such as an arteriovenous malformation, and prevent complications of ICH such as hydrocephalus and mass effect of the blood clot. More complete clot removal may decrease elevated ICP and local pressure effects of the blood clot on the surrounding brain. Stereotactic aspiration may be associated with better outcomes than standard craniotomy; but this hypothesis has yet to be tested in a randomized study. Ultra-early removal of ICH by localized, minimally invasive surgical procedures is promising but untested. Further study of the dynamics of hemorrhage and additional results are needed prior to making a decision on how to divide patient management into the two categories of surgical and nonsurgical treatment.



























































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