Neural tube defects:


Dr. A. Vincent Thamburaj,  

Neurosurgeon, Apollo Hospitals,  Chennai , India.

The term Neural Tube Defect (NTD) includes all CNS developmental defects, which constitute more than half of all congenital anoma­lies with an incidence of 1-2 per thousand births. Neural tube closure defects are common congenital deformities. Advances in genetics and molecular biology have led to a better understanding of the control of central nervous system (CNS) development. Timely prenatal diagnosis provides an opportunity to inform parents and provide them with counseling on the likelihood of delivering an affected baby and to make an informed decision about whether to continue with the pregnancy or undergo selective therapeutic abortion to avoid the birth of a disabled baby.


Human intrauterine development is divided into the embryonic period includes the first 50 to 62 days post conception, and the fetal period includes the subsequent 7 months of gestation. The embryonic period has itself been divided into 23 stages, each stage encompasses approximately 2 to 3 days.

Spinal dysraphisms occur at the earliest point in gestation, typically before the mother has confirmed that she is pregnant. During the second and third weeks of gestation, the primitive streak is formed along the dorsal surface of the embryonic disk. Cell migration along the midline forms the notochord and provides the foundation for the axial skeleton.

Gastrulation is the formation of the streak, the development of the notochord, and the differentiation of 3 distinct germ layers is termed. The 3 germ layers, (embryonic ectoderm, embryonic endoderm, and embryonic mesoderm) form the basis for specific tissue and organs. Anomalies of notochord formation result in split notochord syndrome, diastematomyelia.

Neurulation, is the formation of the neural tube from neuroectoderm that occurs during stages 8 through 20.

During stages 8 through 14 stages the three major steps of the development of the central nervous system occur. They are primary neurulation, and canalization of the tail bud, and regression (secondary neurulation).

During primary neurulation, the flat neural plate folds on itself into a neural tube which is covered by a continuous layer of cutaneous ectoderm. The closure of the neural tube begins in the upper cervical region and then extends caudally and cephalically. During stage 12, the caudal portion of the neural tube closes at the level L-1 or L-2. Errors during these stages may lead to various congenital malformations such as myelomeningocele, meningocele, lipomyelomeningocele, SCMs, the dermal sinus, and intraspinal tumors such as dermoids and epidermoids. With the completion of neurulation, the neural tube is totally covered by cutaneous ectoderm.

Primary neurulation gives rise to the spinal cord only down to the lumbar spine region. The spinal cord caudal to this is formed by the process of canalization, and regression.

The tail bud forms after completion of primary neurulation. The formation of the neural tube caudal to that formed during neurulation occurs by canalization of the tail bud, which occurs during stages 13 through 20. This process consists of the development of vacuoles within the tail bud, then coalescence of these vacuoles to form the canal, which then connects with the rostral neural tube formed during neurulation. Abnormalities that develop during canalization of the tail bud can give rise to ipomyelomeningocele. fibrolipomas of the filum terminale, tight filum terminale, terminal myelocostocele, anterior sacral meningocele, and caudal regression syndrome.

The terminal filum and cauda equina are formed from the caudal portion of the neural tube by regression, (secondary neurulation). The ventriculus terminalis marks the level of the future conus medullaris and is a dilation of the central canal that can be identified at stages 18 through 20 at which time it lies at the coccygeal level. The tip of the vertebral coccygeal segments contains an epidermal cell rest, the coccygeal medullary vestige. The terminal filum is formed when the caudal neural tube regresses between the ventriculus terminalis and the coccygeal medullary vestige and is first present at stage 23. During the fetal period, the vertebral canal grows faster than the neural tube, resulting in the "ascent" of the spinal cord. At the time of birth, the conus medullaris has reached the L2-3 space in the majority of individuals, and it has reached the adult level by age 3 months.

The vertebral column grows faster than the cord, so that at the 6th month of foetal life the caudal end of the spinal cord lies at the level of the first sacral vertebra, and at birth, at the lower border of the third lumbar. The adult level, at the L1-L2 junction, is reached after the third year of life with the roots taking a vertical course to exit from their respective foraminae.

The anterior end of the neural tube shows three primary vesicles, known as the prosencephalon (forebrain), the mesencephalon (midbrain) and the rhombencephalon (hind-brain). In addition, there are two flexures, the cervical at the junction of the hindbrain and the spinal cord and the cephalic in the midbrain region.

The prosencephalon grows more rapidly than the rest of the CNS. It is divided into two parts, the anterior telencephalon consisting of bilateral enlarging cerebral vesicles around the central lamina terminalis, and a posterior portion or the diencephalon when the embryo is five weeks old.

It extends forwards beyond the anterior extremity of the notocord, the Rathke's pouch, and the future buccopharyngeal membrane and gently folds back upon itself and comes to rest upon the thalamus. As it folds back, the ventricle approaches the area of potential union with the thalamus, the cerebral substance disappears at the area of contact and all that remains is a ventricular lining and the pia-arachnoid. As fusion takes place, a double vascular layer persists and from itis derived the blood supply of the lateral and third ventricles and the choroid plexus. From the posterolateral portion of the hemisphere a bulge, develops which grows anterolaterally and down­wards to form the future temporal lobe. It carries with it the ventricle, the vascular septum (choroid fissure), the caudate tail and the fornix.

The mesencephalon does not change much and is separated from the rhombencephaion by a deep furrow. The pontine flexure divides the rhombencephaion into two parts, the anterior metencephalon, which later forms the pons and the cerebellum and the posterior myelen-cephalon, destined to become the medulla oblongata.


Both genetic and environmental factors ap­pear to be responsible for CNS anomalies.

There is a geographical variation in the incidence of these malformations from one country to another and in the different regions of a country itself. A high incidence, exceeding 8 per 1000, has been reported from Northern Ireland, Egypt, India and China. Prevalence in certain ethnic groups, a slight female preponderance, and an increased incidence in offspring of consanguineous marriages are traits of neural tube defects that have suggested a genetic basis. The incidence of NTD in the off spring of an affected parent is two to four per cent, and of an affected sibling five per cent, compared to an average figure of 0.1 per cent in the general population. Consanguinity and the presence of HLA-DR locus further increases the frequency. Families with NTD transmitted by X-linked inheritance and autosomal dominant inheritance have been reported. Chro­mosomal anomalies such as trisomy 13, 18, and 21 can be associated with a spectrum of CNS abnormalities. Most frequently the abnormality is poly genie. Enough information is not yet available to offer any firm genetic counseling.

Several studies have shown that folic acid supplementation dur­ing the periconceptual period reduces the incidence of NTD drastically. Periconceptional multivitamin (including 0.8 mg of folic acid) supplementation reduced not only the rate of neural tube defects but also the rate of other major non-genetic syndromatic congenital abnormalities.

Exposure to valproic acid and other drugs as well as maternal hyperthermia and diabetes mellitus have been blamed. Hyperzincaemia is associated with a higher incidence of anencephaly and spina bifida. Other factors associated with an increased incidence of NTD include maternal age greater than 35 years, social class, alcohol abuse during the first month of pregnancy, and poverty. Infections like rubella, cytomegalovirus and toxoplasma, and irradiation are known to lead to CNS damage in human embryos.


There are many hypotheses, but so far there is no generally accepted hypothesis.  von Recklinghausen, in 1886, suggested that the failure of closure of the neural tube is the cause. Patten, in 1953, suggested that the excessive overgrowth of neural tissue, so fre­quently observed in the region of a spinal or cranial defect, prevents normal closure of the neural tube.
Padget proposed that an abnormal cleft termed 'neuroschisis" may develop after the closure of the neural tube. Escaping fluid blebs which rupture through the surface ectoderm.

The 'hydromyelic theory' initially proposed by Morgagni in 1769 and revived by Gardner states that every embryo passes through a temporary period of internal hydrocephalus-hydromyelia until the roof of the 4th ventricle opens and the subarachnoid circulation of the CSF is established(34,36,37,39). Inadequate permeability of the rhombic roof results in increased pressure within the neural tube leading to either a rupture at sites of weakness, the last portions to close (myelochisis), or a balloon­ing of the less mature caudal end (syringomyelocoele) or a split (diastematomyelia).

Prenatal Diagnosis:

Prenatal screening tests should be done before 20 weeks of gestation so that it is possible to carry out a termination of pregnancy safely. Elevated serum a-fetoprotein (AFP) testing during pregnancy helps identify the presence of open spinal defects. The optimum time for screening is 16 weeks. A level 2.5 times normal indicates the need for additional studies.

If maternal serum AFP is elevated, amniocentesis may be carried out to measure amniotic fluid levels of AFP and acetylcholinesterase. Acetylcholinesterase is more specific to the central nervous system, separating open spinal defects from abdominal wall defects, which can also cause elevated AFP levels. Fetal karyotype may be carried out on amniotic fluid to rule out chromosomal abnormalities.

Fetal ultrasound is routinely used to evaluate the fetus. Both prenatal ultrasound and prenatal magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) can establish the diagnosis of open spinal defects with nearly 100% accuracy and have the advantage of being noninvasive. Magnetic resonance imaging is superior to ultrasound for the prenatal evaluation of intracranial anomalies and may be useful for parent counseling.

Transvaginal ultrasound and 3-D ultrasound have been shown to enhance early diagnosis. The lemon sign (scalloping of the frontal bones) and the banana sign (crescent shaped lucency in cerebellum) seen in Chiari II malformation can be seen as early as 12 to 14 weeks gestation. On antenatal ultrasound, the majority of fetuses have ventriculomegaly by 21 weeks gestation. If ventriculomegaly is diagnosed after 24 weeks it may be less severe.


NTDs may be , more commonly Spinal or  Cranial; they are discussed elsewhere.
































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