Spinal Dysraphisms:


Dr. A. Vincent Thamburaj,  

Neurosurgeon, Apollo Hospitals,  Chennai , India.

A dysraphic lesion is one that relates to the midline closure of the neural tube, which is complete in the human embryo by the 25th day of intrauterine development. It may be , more commonly spinal or cranial.  Cranial dysraphisms are discussed elsewhere.

Embryology and Pathogenesis and antenatal diagnosis are discussed elsewhere.

The term ‘Spinal dysraphism’ covers a range of developmental abnormalities of the spinal cord and its surroundings. It includes both conditions obvious at birth or before (spina bifida aperta) and consists of, a vertebral defect is associated with a cystic mass on the back and conditions that are not obvious at birth (spina bifida occulta), but consists of a defect in the vertebral arches not associated with an externally visible sac on the back.

Spina bifida represents a spectrum of condi­tions of disordered development of the spine and spinal cord. In its most severe form open myelomeningocele. The neurological deficits can be profound. Spina bifida may be open (aperta) or closed (occulta)

 Spina bifida aperta (cystica):

There is an obvious defect in the dorasal midline of the spine. Spina bifida aperta is further subdivided into the following groups: (1) a meningocele without cord tissue within the sac; (2) myelomeningocele in which spinal neural tissue forms part of the sac; and (3) rachischisis, which is the most severe form and involves a widely patent dorsal opening of the spine with or without residual cord tissue, and is usually associated with anencephaly.

Seventy per cent of them are seen over the distal thoracic, lumbar and sacral. Rarely, the lesion may be situated anteriorly (thoracic or intra abdominal meningocoele) or anterolaterally.

Clinical features:


A meningocoele is sessile, sometimes pedunculated and of variable size. It is covered by full-thickness skin, which occasionally may be thin and translucent. It transilluminates brilliantly with no evidence of neural tissue or strands. An impulse on coughing or crying is apparent. There is no neurological deficit.

In a meningomyelocoele, transillumination is positive and neural tissue may be demonstrable within the sac. It is usually not reduc­ible, though a crying impulse and cross fluctuation with the open fontanelle may be elicited. The sac is usually in communication with the subarachnoid space, but may also be multiloculated and divided into non-communicat­ing compartments by fibrous or fibrolipomatous septa. The amount of neural tissue in the sac varies from case to case. A few strands of ectopic nerve fibers to the spinal cord or a part of the cauda equina may be found in the sac. The neural tissue is closely adherent to the fundus with only flimsy adhesions to the neck. Rarely such a meningomylocoele may be associated with angiomatous, cartilaginous or lipomatous tissue.


In rachischisis (myelocoele, myelochisis), the neural plate lies exposed on the surface as a reddish, vascular granulating mass, usually lying in the middle and cranial part of the defect. The lesion may be dry or if the central canal is patent, there may be a continuous leak of CSF.


While meningocoeles present without any neurologi­cal defect, a moderate to severe degree of deficit or even complete loss of neuronal function is usual in cases of meningomyelocoele or open myelocoele. The tethering effect of amyelomeningocoele can lead to further deterio­ration as the child grows, even if the myelomeningocoele is in the cervical region. The paralysis in lumbosacral lesions is typically of the lower motor neuron type with flaccidity and diminished or absent tendon reflexes. However, there may be evidence of upper motor neuron involvement as well. In cervical and thoracic lesions there is an upper motor neuron lesion with spasticity and exaggerated jerks.


In children with spina bifida the urinary tract may be affected in two ways. It is the site of a true developmental malformation in about 20 per cent of cases but more commonly there is a neurogenic dysfunction. Incontinence usually be­comes apparent after the age of one year. The important feature is regression of already learnt bladder and bowel function. Absence of the anal reflex and a lax anal sphincter indicate incontinence of the bowel.


Hydrocephalus is present in 80 per cent of children with spina bifida aperta. The larger and more rostral the lesion, the higher is the incidence. Studies in infants born with meningomyelocoele and encephalocoele, showed that 96 per cent of the paraplegic infants and 60 per cent of the non-paraplegic infants had evidence of hydrocephalus. Imaging may reveal hydrocephalus in an apparently normal-sized head. Hydrocephalus may become apparent only after the excision of the meningomyelocoele. In the earlier years, this was attributed to the removal of the myelocoele sac which was presurned to act as an absorbing surface for the CSF. There has been no con­vincing proof for this assumption. Aqueductal stenosis has been reported in 20-50 per cent of these cases. An associated Chiari malformation is probably the com­monest cause of hydrocephalus. Occasionaly, neurogenic laryngeal stridor occurs in children with spina bifida and is most probably due to the associated Arnold-Chiari malformation.


The incidence of associated congenital anomalies else­where in the body is significantly higher in children with spina bifida aperta than in the general population. Some of the associated defects observed are congenital heart disease, dislocation of hip, anomalies of vertebrae includ­ing hemivertebra and block vertebrae, kyphoscoliosis, multiple rib defects, cleft lip and palate, ectopic develop­ment of renal and intestinal tissue, and umbilical or inguinal hernia. Developmental abnormalities of the urogenital tract are frequent. Multiple meningocoeles or a combination of a spinal meningocoele with a cranial encephalocoele is not uncommon.




Intrauterine repair of the myelomeningocele is now possible, and early studies suggest that this may decrease development of significant hydrocephalus without changing the motor outcome, despite decreased exposure injury to the dysplastic cord. Fetal therapy is a rapidly advancing specialty and an integral part of interventional sonography. Open hysterotomy has been performed for the repair of myelomeningocele, resection of sacrococcygeal teratoma in fetuses with nonimmune hydrops, and treatment of an enlarging congenital cystic adenomatoid malformation that is not amenable to thoracoamniotic shunting. In-utero surgery to repair spinal defects is being tried. No fetus has been cured, and published reports indicate no significant improvement in the level of paralysis compared with optimal postnatal care. However, approximately one third of the fetuses may show improvement in Chiari malformation, decreasing the need for shunt surgery.


Delivery of an infant with a suspected open myelomeningocele should be by Cesarean section, in order to avoid the risk of infection during passage along the birth canal; the child should be nursed on its front or side, with a sterile moist dressing covering the defect, and kept warm. Having examined the defect itself, clinical assessment aims at determining the neurological deficit, both sensory and motor. Much of this can be done by observation and gentle stimulation of the limbs to ascertain sen­sation and movement. Bladder and bowel func­tion are difficult to assess with any certainty but a good urine stream may suggest an incomplete deficit, although almost all children will go on to have some degree of bladder and bowel disturbance.

Further examination is directed towards possible associated congenital ano­malies and hydrocephalus, as well as general cardiopulmonary status. MRI  may reveal associ­ated lesions such as intraspinal lipoma, dermoid or epidermoid, traction bands, tethered and thickened filum terminale, a bony spicule or an ectopia of the dural sac (occult intrasacral meningocoele), and also delineates a Chiari malformation, syringomyelia and hydrocephalus.


The management of a pure meningocoele involves a simple repair, while that of a meningomyelocoele or myelocoele is prolonged, complicated and expensive. The treatment does not begin or end with the surgical correc­tion of the local defect, but begins from the moment of birth and continues till such time as maximum possible rehabilitation has been achieved. The total care of such a child requires collaboration between the neurosurgeon, orthopedic surgeon, plastic surgeon and the urologist. The help of a team of physiotherapists and rehabilitation experts may also be necessary to give the child the best-chance of self-sufficiency. Special educational facilities are required as the child grows up.


Obviously, it is a problem in developing countries.

Selective non-treatment, based on the level of the lesion, the severity of associated hydrocephalus and degree of spinal deformity, as well as the presence of other congenital abnormalities, led to many severely affected infants not surviving. Not all untreated infants succumb; they may go on to survive, with more severe disabilities than had they been treated initially. Patients with extensive paralysis, severe hydrocephalus, kyphosis and major associated congenital anomalies in other systems be left unoperated.


Surgery for open myelomeningocele is aimed at protecting the existing neural structures and preventing infection. Surgery will not restore neurological function; nevertheless, it is essen­tial to preserve any functioning nervous tissue that does exist. Because of the risk of infection, closure of the defect should be carried out within 48 hours of birth. Closure of the defect involves defining the neural placode and freeing this from arachnoid adhesions. Some surgeons reconstitute the neural tube by folding over and suturing the neural placode in an attempt to prevent future cord tethering; however, this procedure is not essential and may unnecessar­ily damage the delicate existing nervous tissue Care should be taken not to include any skin appendage attached to the placode. The extradural space is identified, the dura is mobi­lized and this plane developed around the defect to allow closure of the dura in a water­tight fashion. If necessary, a dural graft may be tight fashion. If necessary, a dural graft may be required to close the dura, without compromis­ing the neural structures and maintaining the closure free from tension. The muscle and fascia on either side of the defect are mobilized; this may require lateral releasing incisions if the defect is large, and then approximated. The skin is then closed in a watertight manner. For very large defects, plastic surgical procedures with myofascial or cutaneous flaps may be required to achieve adequate closure.


Occasionally a pronounced kyphosis may require surgical correction during the same proce­dure to make skin closure easier and improve ventilation. Approximately 80% of children with myelo­meningocele will require a shunt at some stage. For those with obviously severe hydrocephalus, this may need to be carried out within several days of closure of the spinal defect. For those children less severely affected, observation, with head circumference measurements and assess­ment of signs of raised intra cranial pressure, will dictate the need for and the timing of shunt insertion. The majority of children who will need a shunt will do so by the age of 5 months.


Postoperatively, the child is nursed in prone position to minimize adhesions of the cord to the dural suture line, and close observation of anterior fontanelle and head circumference. Hydrocephalus may require an external ventricular drainage or ventriculoperitoneal shunt.


Associated deformities may require specialised orthopaedic treatment. A careful urological evaluation and institution of appropriate therapy to prevent ascending urinary infection and hydronephrosis may be required. Physiotherapy and rehabilita­tion for the residual neurological deficits have to be provided by the respective specialists. The neurosurgeon's role continues through childhood. Syringomyelia may develop and with the growth of the child, a tethering lesion may manifest in about 20% at some point in their life.


Spina bifida occulta is discussed elsewhere.






















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